ha sido docente de Seguros en el Centro Job Corps de Hartford desde 2011. Su formación académica incluye historia, filosofía y derecho. Kyle comenzó a trabajar en el ámbito de los seguros como escritor técnico y ascendió a líder de equipo de una unidad de atención al cliente especializada en planes de jubilación y pensiones anuales. Más tarde en su carrera profesional, Kyle completó la evaluación Series 7 y aprovechó la oportunidad para convertirse en un representante registrado en la industria de las finanzas, lo que lo llevó a manejar una organización mediana durante muchos años. Kyle se abocó a la docencia a nivel de escuela secundaria en 2008 y más tarde se unió a Job Corps de Hartford para ocupar su puesto actual. Aporta una amplia experiencia y conocimientos a sus clases en Job Corps.
Insurance and Financial Services - Customer Service - Insurance

On the job, you will ...
- Analyze and process insurance applications based on set criteria
- Determine the risk of insuring new clients and determine proper premium and coverage amounts
- Communicate with insurance agents and accounting departments to discuss policy changes
- Communicate directly with clients and field representatives to make decisions
Some of the career options you will have ...
Individuals with their insurance and financial services credentials often go on to work in investment banks, money management firms and other traditional financial institutions.
The credentials you will earn ...
This is the second level of basic training offered in the Accounting series. In the Insurance and Financial Services – Insurance training program, you will earn industry-recognized credentials.
Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
What you’ll need to start training ...
- Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on all written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
- Compliance with state requirements that may involve a criminal background check, and completion of a training program meeting federal content requirements
Finance and Business
Job Corps offers training in the following finance and business areas. Get started today.

In the Insurance and Financial Services - Customer Service - Insurance trade you will analyze and process insurance applications based on set criteria.